Mt. Shasta

Come back home to yourself with the enchanted mountain, forest and flowing waters of Mt. Shasta

A dimensional doorway to the frequency of pure love

Mt. Shasta is a portal, a mirror, showing us the purity within ourselves.

A mountain radiating love and potent energy for us all to awaken to who we really are. The pure energy this mountain radiates makes it easy to connect with your deepest essence and to remember your true purpose. Come with an open heart and an open mind to embrace a personal transformation of consciousness and allow the experience to create space for self-evolution.

Take time to nurture your mindset and drive yourself into a reflective experience.


A transformational experience

Receive the gifts the mountain has for you

Breathe through your past, free of judgement and acceptance of the future.

Honor yourself and regenerate the natural balance between you and nature and begin the process of reconnection. During our retreat, we are guided to sacred sites and temples on Mt. Shasta that few visitors ever discover, with utmost support in receiving the wondrous energetic gifts that Mt. Shasta has for you. Allow these gifts to build a bridge from your magical journey to your life back home.

We will retreat to Mt Shasta and surrounding energy vortexes on short hikes. Depending on weather we will visit a sacred waterfall for rebirth. We will be guided to a sacred site, a vortex where we bring awareness and light to all human experiences. We experience a day of purification and shared heart space. We visit sacred portals that allow connection with ascended masters, angels and your star families.

Our guide will connect you to 5D frequency ascension activations and heart activations. This is a full activation of who you really are. Grounding new earth frequencies and walking in 5D.

This is a journey of initiation, integration and embodiment at very sacred places on Mt Shasta.

• Heart Chakra Activations
• Guided Meditations and Healings
• Connect with Ascended Master frequencies
• Venusian Activations
• 5D Embodiment
• Starship Sessions


Mount Shasta is a nearly 15,000-foot-high mountain in Northern California, and it is the root chakra of the world.

In humans, the root chakra represents our most instinctive connection to the earth beneath our feet, and Mount Shasta is the base of the Earth’s energy system, from which all life stems.

Mount Shasta is an ice-topped volcano that draws spiritual seekers. Various legends say it’s home to a sacred spring, beings who have transcended the physical plane or a crystal city full of ancient foes of Atlantis.

It is widely known by spiritual seekers that Mt. Shasta “magically speaks to the heart of the humans, reminding them of a beautiful secret – the frequency of love.” Our time on the mountain will be filled with fun, new information, laughter and transformation.

Magical, mystical tours on Mount Shasta continue to bring unexpected fun, connections and unknown rewards as people from all around the world explore the spiritual energy vortex of Mount Shasta.

I welcome you to join me and immerse yourself in all of her radiant peace, love, harmony, balance and joy.

In addition to our guided hikes on the mountain, we will enjoy various soundbaths, visit crystal stores and be led in a very special, powerful evening meditation.



We meet with an incredible 5D Shaman/Medicine Woman who leads us through a magical, visual meditation accompanied by drumming. She is one of the most iconic healers in Shasta.

Through this meditation you are partnering with the Telosian healing team. You meet Your power animal, follow the trance-inducing beat of the drum and experience the magic of Telos – the inter-dimensional city within Mt. Shasta.

For ages, spiritual seekers, mystics, and sages from all over the world have been called to Mount Shasta.

This majestic mountain is the home of many legends, fables, and mysteries of the ancient civilization of Lemuria, and the hidden mystical city of Telos.

The mystical mountain energy will be the foundation for our deep spiritual healing and transcendence. Journey with our special guide, as we activate a special Crystalline Light Code to anchor in the intentions of Love, Healing, and Joy. Through Light Activations we will tap into the energy of those people, and that ancient time, to feel, see, know and embrace the gifts of a race of intelligent beings that offered themselves for the betterment of all.

Through this Journey to Telos, you will have your own unique and direct experience.

This is the Journey to Lumeria, in Mount Shasta

• It starts with shamanic drumming and you suddenly find yourself on a guided journey, entering the city, experiencing the phenomena and reconnecting with your higher aspects

• It is possible to experience deep emotional and physical healings.
• It is possible to receive downloads – important information, with very clear guidance that’s visual, auditory and kinesthetic…

You will have your own unique journey. Imagine your excitement with life changing encounters and experiences inter-dimensionally, such as:

• A visit to the St Germaine Spa – where you enjoy the most technologically advanced treatments in the galaxy.
• Relaxing into profound healing on high-tech med bed and crystal therapy.
• Working with the Ascended masters including High-Priest Adama, St Germaine, Mother Mary and Archangel Michael.

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Enter your name and email address below to receive your detailed itinerary. Discover the paths you will explore with Sakred Journeys, and start planning your transformative journey today.

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What happens on a journey to Telos?

In Your journey to Telos, You will receive healing and empowerment for your daily life.

As High Priest Adama says, “we don’t have time to wait any longer for the shift to happen outside of us. The shift begins in us by releasing and healing all the parts which do not serve us anymore.” By letting go of your suffering and dis-function You are able to rise up to the next level of evolution. You feel the love in your heart and the connection with all that is. You recognize the divine in each being. Waking up to our full responsibility – there is no need to blame and shame our surroundings anymore.


High Priest Adama and the Telosian Healing Team are working on us with so much love and compassion to support us in our remembrance of who we truly are. The message from Telos is to live life from a place of peace, love, equality, harmony, balance, respect, creativity and fun. The Lemurians who live in the city of Telos are a great example of this for us – how life used to be way back in the very beginning and how life is going to be as we move forward into The Golden Age of peace and harmony.

your guide



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As I guide guests in sacred service, through these sacred portals, I am continually surrounded by incredible clients that I am deeply inspired by.

To hear all of the beautiful and moving reflections afterward, is priceless to me. Watching real time transformation in front of my eyes is my why and my purpose.

I am deeply touched, but moreover deeply healed, to hear the incredible stories of activations and transformations on these sacred journeys. It heals remnants of insecurity and self-doubt in me, which many of us face on the path to embodied, humble leadership. Guiding through these portals confirms and reassures me beyond measure that I am in deep alignment with my path and soul mission. I feel supported to hold and embody the frequency of heart centered leadership, leadership with integrity and humility. I hold space that I may always continue to learn, evolve and grow in this way.


This all-inclusive 4 night portal is designed for an intimate group devoted to embodying their conscious energy while anchoring an ancient power of Mt Shasta, being powerful examples of healing and love.

This immersion is calling for those who are seeking a deeper remembrance in an initiation of calling back our energy and power while activating the loving energy of Mt. Shasta, within.


Join me on a Sakred Journey!

I look forward to connecting personally, answering any questions you may have and ultimately guiding you on a profound transformational journey through one of my portal offerings.

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